68 Health Conditions Directly linked to Magnesium Deficiency
Our Overall health and well being are directly linked to magnesium. You can not optimize your health if you have low magnesium. Magnesium deficiency is a major factor in 68+ conditions. These are conditions that you will go to the doctor for and they will diagnose your issue and put you on some medication that will most likely cause negative side effects and decrease your essential minerals. They will treat the symptom instead of the root cause of your symptom. This is how our doctors are trained, and it is absolutely, no fault of their own. Our bodies are not meant to have synthetic medication treating our issues. The supplement and vitamin market, may not be synthetic, but has zero regulation and on top of that, most of us do not have optimal gut health, due to all of the toxic food and drinks, sold in our stores, so the absorption of these supplements will not be optimal and with no regulation, what is really in that pill? This is another way for big pharma to make even more money, because when you take a birds eye view, of mass produced medication, supplements, vitamins and even topical magnesium’s, almost all come back to the same mega corporations, owed by a handful of people, that do not care about the health and well being of people. They care about dollars and our broken health care system thrives on keeping people sick by prescribing all of these synthetic poisons and keeping the truth from us.
Blood tests for magnesium at your doctors office are extremely skewed. They will check your blood for magnesium and only 1% of magnesium is even in your blood? Most magnesium is stored in your bone, 55-60% then the second most is stored in soft tissue and muscle. That is what makes topical so effective. At the bottom of this blog, I will link a video by Internal Medicine Physician, Dr. Suneel Dhand, talking about the inefficiency of blood tests done at your doctors office and how to get an independent test done. You can get an accurate blood test done by a Naturopathic Doctor. Unfortunately Naturopathic Doctors are usually not covered by insurance and are very expensive.
The list of diagnosis is from Dr. Dean’s new book. Dr. Dean is an MD and ND, who has become the foremost expert in magnesium deficiency.
* 68 health conditions directly linked to Magnesium Deficiency:
Part 1: General Conditions:
#1 Acid Reflux
#2 Adrenal Fatigue
#3 Alzheimer’s Disease
#4 Angina
#5 Anxiety and Panic Attacks
#6 Arthritis
#7 Asthma
#8 Atherosclerosis
#9 Atrial Fibrillation
#10 Blood Clots
#11 Bowel Disease
#12 Calcification
#13 Cholesterol
#14 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
#15 Cystitis (Bladder Infection)
#16 Dementia
#17 Depression
#18 Detoxification
#19 Diabetes
#20 Fatigue
#21 Headaches
#22 Heart Disease
#23 Hypertension
#24 Hypoglycemia
#25 Infection
#26 Inflammation
#27 Insomnia
#28 Irritable Bowel Syndrome
#29 Kidney Disease
#30 Kidney Stones
#31 Migraine
Part 2: Musculoskeletal Conditions:
#32 Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)
#33 Fibromyalgia
#34 Fibrositis
#35 GI Spasms
#36 Headaches (Tension)
#37 Jaw Spasms
#38 Muscle Cramps
#39 Musculoskeletal
#40 Neck & Upper Back Pain (Chronic)
#41 Lower Back Pain
Part 3: Neurological Conditions:
#42 Hypermotionality
#43 Muscle Weakness
#44 Neurological Manifestations
#45 Numbness, Skin Sensitivity, Tingling, Twitching.
Tics, Crawling, , Creeping, Itching, Prickling
#46 Pain, Burning, Pins & Needles, Stabbing, Shocking
#47 Restless Leg
#48 Seizures & Convulsions
#49 Stroke
#50 Trigeminal Neuralgia
#51 Vertigo
Part 4: Ob/Gyn/Pediatric Conditions:
#52 Cerebral Palsy
#53 Cystic Fibrosis
#54 Dysmemorrhea
#55 Female Infertility
#56 Male Infertility
#57 Premature Labor
#58 Preeclampsia and Eclampsia
#59 Premenstrual Syndrom (PMS)
#60 Sudden Infant Death Syndrom (SIDS)
Part 5: General Conditons Part II:
#61 Osteoporosis
#62 Parkinson’s Disease
#63 Raynaud’s Syndrome
#64 Sports Injuries
#65 Sports Recovery
#66 Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)
#67 Tongue Biting
#68 Tooth Decay
Here is the blood test video by Dr. Suneel Dhand. He has many great videos and is currently an Internal Medical Physician, in the United States, who is not afraid to speak out about our broken health care system.