Stress, Anxiety, Depression & Topical Magnesium
This time of year, I make sure to cover myself in magnesium from head to toe, multiple times a day! Mental and emotional trauma put your body in dis ease. The link between anxiety, stress, depression and magnesium deficiency has been extensively researched and confirmed. One of the positive effects I noticed when I used my product, for the first time, was a calming of my entire being. I was not even aware of the amount of stress or anxiety, I was experiencing, until I used my product. I think a majority of the population are deficient and the majority are not really aware, because it just becomes “normal.” This overall calming effect was one of the biggest things that inspired me to start making my product for others. I was just blown away at the difference I felt.
There is a difference between outside and inside stress. Neither is good. I calmed my own inner stress, caused by life and chronic low magnesium. Being able to calm yourself, helps keep a more sound mind to deal with external stressors that, we as a society, are constantly being exposed to, such as crazy neighbors or crazy co workers or the amount of fear being put out by the “Idiot box” (television). The nervous system is one of the very first areas affected by magnesium deficiency, so if you are depleting your nervous system of crucial minerals, it will lead to inflammation. If you have read my blog about inflammation and topical magnesium, you will see the list of neurological issues created by chronic low magnesium, which includes stress, depression and anxiety.
I have always used my Magnesium Butter around my entire neck, everyday and multiple times. Our neck “supports” our head which contains our brain and thoughts. If you are supporting thoughts of fear, lack, negativity and doubt, creating stress, anxiety and depression, pain in the neck and shoulders is also likely. Chronic pain in your neck and shoulders is also linked to low magnesium. Inflammation in the brain, is caused by low magnesium, that leads to stress, anxiety and depression. This vicious cycle wreaks havoc on many of us.
Here is a study about depression and magnesium. I still do not agree with the taking of oral magnesium. I also believe these studies are done and tell people to take a pill, made by big pharma, that has zero regulation, when topical absorbs right into the soft tissue, where 40-50% of magnesium is stored the rest is stored in your bone and replenished at night with a 40 day half life, then 1% of magnesium is found in the blood. If you read this study, they also indicate that magnesium has been taken out of our water?? Why would they do that?? The more I research, the more it has become very clear to me, that depleting the population of magnesium is absolutely being done by design, because of its crucial role in our body and brain function. Low magnesium is also totally linked to infertility for both men and women.
Taking a step back and being able to see the bigger picture of how many things are depleting us of magnesium, such as, toxins in our food, sugar, alcohol, the soil being deficient (even if you are eating mostly whole food and drinks), toxins in medications, birth control, prescription drugs, nano tech in the air. Exposure to EMF also creates cellular dehydration. It is hard to imagine that with all of this, why we are so neglected about being told the importance of magnesium. As a massage therapist for years, and going to so many alternative therapies myself, after breaking my neck, back and femur snowboarding, and having 3 surgeries. It seems I should have found out about magnesium, but I never did. I feel that only over the past 3 or 4 years, magnesium has become more known to people, but still not the masses. Or if they do know, they are taking a pill, yet still have leg cramps and aches and pains? The confusion with all the types of magnesium and to take it orally or topically, just makes people more confused. This is done on purpose. The vitamin and supplement market have ZERO regulation?? Wonder why? Because the same corporations who own big pharma, and the chemical companies own most of the vitamin and supplement market as well and with all the toxic food and drinks, most all of us have consumed, creates sub par gut health, that makes the absorption of oral, less effective since it is only absorbed a bit by the small intestine and what is really in that pill? Why would something so important to life and optimizing health be so hidden and only partial truths told about the the enormous negative impact that chronic low magnesium has on all of us? If we became healthy from the things our body really needs, such as non poisoned, non GMO, non processed food, clean air and water, the right balance of essential nutrients from our soil into the plants and animals that feed us, and spending time outside in nature. Then we would all be healthier and Big Pharma and chemical companies would not be making a killing off of us, by killing us, and creating technologies that are taking away from our life force energy and leading to dis ease that leads to disease! The corporations involved in this never ending cycle are all controlled by a handful of people, who do not care about human life!
I have seen a few commercials about magnesium but I will guarantee that it is mass produced crap, sold in a plastic container! I have testimony from customers who used a mass produced magnesium cream from Amazon and it was not effective. There is a brand, well known around me. They have 3 storefronts. I called this business owner and asked how she could charge $91 for her 8 ounce magnesium butter, that she says is “handmade”? She says she charges so much so she can pay her employees? She also offers “private label” and that is when someone else creates a brand of their own but uses her product to fill their jars. Anyone offering private label, does not hand make their product. Mass produced is NOT handmade. So next time you walk into that “cool” store in your town with tons of “handmade” products. Ask some questions!
I do tend to repeat myself in these blogs about food and toxins from everywhere and I have for sure indulged in my fair share of Mountain Dew, Doritos and Oreos over the years, without much thought! Which is exactly how the people controlling and poisoning our food system and medical system and main stream media and entertainment want us. Not thinking much, just senselessly consuming.